Wednesday, June 27, 2018

No Sugar Challenge:Hidden Killer Ingredients Take 15 Minutes, 7 Days to make a change!

Whenever I take on a new client, I always suggest taking on one new change a week. It's an easy way to allow your body and your mind to improve without too much stress (which can also add to weight gain). Can you take 15 minutes a day to invest in your health and your future? This blog is designed for you to take it one day at a time. #investinyourhealth Stick with me until the end for options for some replacements of difficult items! 

 #onechangeaweek #nosugarchallenge

What you don't know...

Have you ever wondered where those pesky pounds sneak up on you?

Day 1
How much are your condiments contributing?

Click for your 7 minute #investinyourhealth moment- ketchup, relish, mustard and BBQ sauce 

One way to a below
Homemade ketchup with fresh tomato, no sugar,  or
Keto Ketchup

Quick Tip: Each time you think about buying something with sugar, put the money in a jar and spend it on an activity you've been wanting to do!

My experience on day one, I really wanted to each junk but I set up a meal prep for 3 days the day before. I ate more than I thought I would and just let that happen since I wasn't eating sugar and even cut back on fruit the first day to keep that craving at bay. I didn't feel drowsy around 2pm like I normally do. 

Still with me? 

Day 2

Hidden Sugars

Having sugar in your diet can keep your body from using protein. Making "healthy" choices...ARE YOU REALLY? It's not REALLY YOU FAULT!!! Knowing what you're eating can help you get the most from your food.

Click here for your 12 minute investment today #investinyourhealth

I had a great day yesterday and woke up feeling great, full of energy! How about you? Idid a ton of research yesterday to keep me on track. I find that reading up on things (even if they're not part of my diet) helps me stay on track! I got more motivated after looking at what a bad diet does to my brain than my body! However, I was still wanting to grab a sugary snack, on and off throughout the day. 

Day 3

Aspartame? Fake sugars? Be careful when using artificial sweeteners! We still are producing more insulin in our bodies when we take in fake sugars. What this causes... it causes our cells to start blocking the high levels of insulin (when the sugar or fake sugars are introduced to our bodies), therefore makes you crave more sugar or fake sugars and then the glucose stays in your bloodstream leading to diabetes. Diabetes is shown as one of the markers for higher chances of alzheimers. (from The Grain Brain). 

Click here for your 11 minute investment today. #investinyourhealth

Healthier options for sweetener will be tomorrow

Today has been phenomenal! I had the best run I've had in months. Full of energy, about to do sprints which I hadn't done in ages (I just felt that I had enough energy which I hadn't for so long). I'm learning that I can cut the condiments without the cravings now and seeing commercials and advertisements isn't setting off my digestive system anymore. My joints didn't feel stiff when I got up this morning. I slept way better than I have in a while. 

Checking in, How are YOU doing? What was new for you? Please share in the comments

Day 4 

Weekends can be tough. Let's prepare before it comes! Stay ahead and have your day planned the night before, write down options for snacks and meals in case you start to get bored or tired of the structure. Try this, What to use instead of fake sugars, Here are healthier options 
Less than 10 minute #investinyourhealth today!

I went out to eat last night, I thought I was going sugar free only to find my shrimp were breaded (breading turns to glucose in the body) instead of a dash of sauce the shrimp at the bottom had way too  much sauce. I felt it right away, I got jittery and my stomach seemed to be so unhappy,  it wasn't a loss, it was a great reinforcer. When I'll out I'll assume everything will be breaded and ask and request all sauces on the side.  It also allowed me to realize that food is better when I make it at home! I woke up a lot.

Day 5 

Sugar is 8x more addictive than cocaine! Have you been able to take the time to notice? Do you agree? Do you think sugar should be taxed to help with controlling our health better?
Click here for your 13 minute #investinyourhealth moment today

I'm feeling fabulous and cannot "weight" for my weigh in! I'm feeling that my rings are a bit looser and my stomach looks flatter, my face looks brighter and less flushing. Also, I'm in the menopause stage of life and have noticed that my hot flashes have cut down to almost half! HUGE WIN!

Day 6

Sugar as a treat? Do you reward yourself or your kids with treats?

Click here for your 15 minutes #investinyourself and let's think about the family while you watch

Homework today.... look up a few recipes for desserts and have the family participate in making one or two of them together! Don't worry about sharing that they are lower in sugar or have healthier sugars in them. Let me know how it goes!

Day 7

How much sugar in our 'healthy' food? Companies promote as healthy, how accurate is their marketing? Teach your kids, the prettier the package, the less healthy the food.

Look at a typical breakfast, lunch and dinner 30 mins video and the hidden sugar.
Click here for todays 30 minute #investinyourhealth BUT won't need to invest in the whole video to get the idea but it is helpful to reinforce how many things we just don't look at as sweets!

How did I do? Well, my rings and my observations were correct! I've lost 4 lbs with the change in #nosugarchallenge !!!! I feel great! My trail runs have been faster and I haven't been huffing and puffing and needing my albuterol. I get exercise induced asthma. My workouts have been easier and best of all, I'm waking up feeling more rested and sleeping through the night better (very few hot flashes as well). Not having the swelling in my body has made such a difference in my feeling sluggish by 2pm (I believe), something has! 

How did it go for you? What were your struggles? How did you overcome them? What was your families response? Reach out if you still need some guidance.....

Here's the BONUS I promised.... Wine.... Cocktails....going out for drinks! 

Click here for some great cocktail options and overall ideas on what you could steer toward! Remember to look at Day 4 for better sweetener options for your cocktails!

Click here for wines to look for! 

Thank you for sticking in out and being open learning and new options! Save or bookmark this link for quick and easy to get to reminders and tips whenever you feel like it! Share with your friends and family so that you can live longer, healthier lives with your loved ones!

In Health and Wellness,
Michelle S Krause LMT
National and MD State Licensed

#nosugarchallenge #migraines #fibromyalgia #personaltraining #craniosacral #onechangeaweek #formyhealth #vitalfitnessholisticwellness

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