Friday, July 27, 2018

4 Minutes to 15 Minutes a Day to Better Health and Better Quality of Life

Good morning, 7 day YOGA CHALLENGE! Tired of back pain?

7 MUCH needed movements, add one each day for growing new healthy habits. Our spine either helps or inhibits our nervous system to communicate with our respiratory, cardiac, digestive.... every system in your body is connected through the spine! Let's get it healthy, let's get started and see if you can tell the difference.

Day 1

Note the different levels in the video and be sure to not overdo it. Do it two times, back to back, the first time is a warm up. Our spine isn't designed to just move forward and back, moving in all directions is most important for organ functions, removing blocks or tension that restricts our nervous system and abdominal strength.

Day 2

Did you do your first yoga pose? Let's build on our yoga poses each day.

We missed the 'real' day 2, I spent the day with 2 of my daughters at an animal sanctuary in the pouring rain (8" of rain to be exact). Which made me decide to post about the benefits of squatting, then we lost electric and internet so here we are!

Day 3

Do you spend a lot of time sitting? Does your back hurt when you try to straighten your body to stand up?

After doing your Day 1 and Day 2 poses (to create a base and great habits) let's move on to Cobra Pose Day 3. Make sure you're doing each pose two times to allow yourself a warm up and a deeper pose. The deeper pose will allow your body to move into more improvement.

This video is great because you can watch it and listen to it to get results from either way.

Day 4-Building your health with a new yoga practice

How have your days been? Have you seen any changes? Do this next pose after your newly learned poses from day 1-3. Are there any changes in your digestion? How do your legs feel when you get out of bed now? Are you sleeping better?

Todays pose is about-Compressing and reversing the back bend, compression is great for your organs, losing leg and stomach fat, respiratory system and thyroid and to get digestion going.

Sasangasana-Rabbit Pose -4 minutes

If you'd like a few extra poses to get you to rabbit pose then take a look at this one, it isn't as detailed but there are a few floor poses before hand. -15 minutes
Remember to include each day, starting with Day 1 and so on to get into your routine of 7 yoga movements for best spine and mental health.

Day 5

Let's check in-Have you done each day? Have you added one a day? What have you noticed?

I missed my yoga yesterday even though I was posting the challenge. I spent most of the day in the car. I'm feeling stiffer today and not as ready to start my day. I'll be doing three sets of each pose today to help to offset the missed day and I'll be doing one before bed.

Here's our one new pose for the day

Day 6

Twists for your hips and digestion

Do you get numbness or tightness in your feet? How do your knees feel? The lower (sacral spine) back can keep your body functioning and communicating. Let's get started with loosening up that lower spine.

In a chair twist-if you a bit limited with knee pain or lower back issues

Arha-Matsyendrasana-seated twist-3 mins

This link can get you to several variations and choices of twisting the spine

It takes 30 days to form a habit, you're not too far off. Are you going to keep going?

In Health and Wellness,
Michelle S Krause LMT
National and MD State License
Some Information on Vital Harmony and Michelle 
Upledger Institute Credentials
How to Contact Michelle for an Appointment or Questions

#onechangeaweek #vitalfitnessholisticwellness #craniosacral #massagetherapy #massagetherapist #personaltraining #severnapark #formyhealth #brainhealth #meditation #investinyourhealth #yoga #spinehealth #namaste #backpain #reducepain #isstandingpainful #toomuchsitting #sittingisbadforyourhealth #onenewposeaday

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